Friday, February 15, 2008


Sorry for the lateness. Here is Last Fridays Early Shift Mini Mix.
copy the above line and paste it into your browser window and you should be able to download the mix.


Dj E-Man
Make sure you listen to this mornings show, I will have that link available a little later today. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please find here a little something to help your romantic adventures. Here is a special mix released by yours truly the Captain E-Man. For all of you other dj haters out there who may download this and talk crap about my mix. Saying you would've done this or could've that. BOTTOM LINE! YOU DIDN'T SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE MUSIC. Swallow your pride for once and just enjoy another dj for once. We are all in this together. With that I hope you ladies really enjoy the mix. Don't forget to catch me live this week performing at Club 46 in Saginaw, MI this Thurday Night for a special Valentines Day Party.

Copy the link and post it into your browser window and it should lead you to the download. Enjoy...
Thanks for the support
DJ E-Man

Friday, February 8, 2008

Greetings Bloggers ---- Welcome to the WIOG MIXSHOW DJ BLOG PAGE

Greetings everyone. This is your captain, the one and only Dj E-Man. First of all I would like to thank all of you for your support on the mixshow. I really appreciate all of you listening and calling in and making requests. Without you and your feedback the shows would not be what they are.

Lately, some of the calls coming into the studio have been asking how they can get a copy of the Early Shift Mini Mix or the Happy Hour Shows. We are working on a page where you can download them directly from the wiog website. Make sure you check out the official WIOG website at They have alot of cool things on the web site. Make sure you visit it daily.

In the meantime, I will be posting the early shift mini mix shows and the wiog happy hour mixdown segments. Some may contain actual drops so that no one can claim my work as their own. Trust me, I have known some djs in the past who do not spin the way I do, and have stolen my work and tried to take credit for it. In fact a dj In the Lansing area did it a few years ago, and boy was he surprised about 30 minutes into his mix when all of a sudden the mix said... YOUR IN THE MIX WITH CAPTAIN E-MAN.... at the same time he was talking to a local club manager. Whoops... Not every dj is honest. I will keep the on air talk to a minimum. I will edit the mix from what actually airs on the air, in the event you are having a party and are playing a mix, you don't want to hear Cooper and I airing phone calls of people who want to be on the guest list for Club 46. Where you can catch all of the action live with Demas and myself every Friday Night from 10pm - 1am... It is alot of fun so come on out and party with us.

I will post some mixes for you later today and will be uploading all weekend long. So add this page to your favorites and check back often and remember to visit the official 1o2.5 WIOG web site on a daily basis.

Dj E-Man