I am about to bring in a new house guest, one that won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, so I will have company for at least the next 18 years. My new friend is scheduled to make her appearance Sept 3, 2008. No name at this time has been decided. Just in case you’re wondering? Yes a new baby is on the way! No, it is not mine. I am very close to the mother and she lives with me. So I will probably be playing the part of the Uncle on this one.
So now that I have brought you up to speed. I will get these music mixes posted. Thank you for all of the emails. To all of you who are asking the same question! YES FRIDAY NIGHT LIVES AND THE MIX SHOWS ARE COMIING BACK.
With the cancelation of Friday Night Live, I lost my main sponsor. Since they have flipped country, there is not much call for a mix show to boost the night. However I am working on becoming the first dj in Michigan to have a Country Mix show. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and we will see what happens.
To all of the WIOG Early shift listeners. Make sure you get out and visit my Friend Demas who along with his co-hosts Mandy and Nate will be sitting atop the roof at McDonalds raising money for Child Abuse programs. This is a great cause. We do this every year, and we need your help to make it a huge success again. So listen to 102.5 WIOG and bring out your pennies. Let’s get this birthday week going.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEMAS FROM 102.5 WIOG, Sean Kelly from Lansing’s 97.5NOW FM, Larry Duvall, Amber Haman and man I am forgetting someone. OH YEAH THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE OF THEM ALL. ME…… LOL….
Have a great day peeps. I will be back later with postings for all of the latest mix sessions. Keep the beats pumping loud and proud.
The Captain E-Man
DigitalMix Djs
We Don’t Just Play Music, We Play With It!
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